Cooking oil is plant, animal, or synthetic fat used in frying, baking, and other types of cooking. It is also used in food preparation and flavouring that doesn’t involve heat, such as salad dressings etc.

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Khanum Butter Ghee

82.00 kr260.00 kr
Ghee: Available in 500g, 1kg and 2kg tins Butter Ghee is ideal for sautéing, braising, pan-frying and deep-frying. Often 1

KTC 100% Pure Coconut Cooking Oil 650 ML

85.00 kr
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Mac Philips Palm Oil Zomi 1L

55.00 kr
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Palmolja Ingredienser: Palm Olja Näringsvärde per 100 ml Energi: 3675 KJ/894KCal Fett: 99 g Varav Mättat Fett: 47 g Kolhydrater:0